
GTS offers a unique training opportunity to our clients and strategic partners.Our training package is helpful to the following companies:

Obligors, those who have obligations with foreign governments.Suppliers to obligors, your customer will ask you for assistance as part of the supplier relationship Non-Obligors, those companies that have no obligations, but see benefits in working through GTS to support third party obligors. Other third parties, government agencies and associations, looking to understand and leverage offset opportunities.

The typical GTS Training package generally consists of two half day sessions, over a two day period.This allows the employees to manage their desk as well as attend the training sessions.The participants also have the opportunity to review the GTS materials and ask questions during the second session.GTS provides a detailed comprehensive notebook to the participants for their reference.We encourage employees to call GTS as they see opportunities to apply the concepts or if they have any questions.Our experience is that our training course is a win-win for all the parties.Armed with knowledge companies tend to approach industrial cooperation more efficiently.This usually means that we have formed a long term relationship, that enables GTS to effectively be your global partner as you move forward.

Compensation is determined on a case by case basis.GTS generally charges actual costs to provide the training, with the understanding that a relationship is the main objective of both parties. Contact GTS for more details or if you have any questions.
